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SAG-AFTRA Eligible

You’re Whole (Adult Swim) Guest Star Dir. Michael Showalter
Cruisin’ (Feature Film) Lead Dir. John F.U.
Beth Kong Lead Dir. Danny Rubenstein
Good Guys Finish Last Supporting Dir. Riley Wood
Maurice the Mobile Wingman (Verison Vcast) Supporting Dir. Jonathan Blitt
Jamie Kennedy Project Supporting MTV
Got Used Lead Dir. Clint Runge
The Pact-AT&T Co-Star Dir. Paul Soter
Cat Assistant Lead Dir. Ryan Moulton
Speaking Meteorically Lead Dir. Pascal Leister
Hot Ticket Lead Dir. Mike Drobinski 
The Haircut-A Tragedy of Epic Proportions Lead Dir. Pascal Leister
It Casting Co-Star Dir. Adrienne Zi
No Coffee/Trojan Condoms Lead Dir. Anna Christopher
Redondo Beach Theater Club Lead Dir. Robert Mercado
Socially Awkward Guy Featured Dir. Shawn Papazian
Fuselage Of Love (Sketch) Ensemble The Second City-LA
Smarty Pants (Sketch) Ensemble The Second City-LA
The Big Bailoutski (Sketch) Ensemble The Second City-LA
Tony and Tina’s Wedding Connie The Actors Studio
Ti Jean Blues Actor #3 Black Box Theater
All in the Timing Betty Howell Theater

List available upon request


John Rosenfeld Studios-Ongoing Brian Norris
Actors Comedy Studio-Acting For Sitcoms Todd Rohrbacher 
Scott Sedita - On Camera Comedy Todd Rohrbacher 
Master Class (Invite Only) Jeffery Brooks
Audition Technique Jeffery Brooks
The Second City Graduate of the LA Training Center
The Second City IFA 1,2 and 3
Characters Close to Home Wrkshp Kay Cannon
Audition Wrkshp Alison McBryde
Ladies Take Charge Wrkshp Susan Messing
Theater Minor             University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Conversational Spanish, Teleprompter, Interviewing, Trumpet, Roller blade, Bicycling, Ice Skate, Horseback Riding, Dance (Tap, Jazz, Ballet), Whistle, Sing, Dialects (Southern, Mid-Western, New York)


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